Tuesday 28 June 2011

It is important to know what skin type you have

The composition of everyone’s skin type varies according to their climate, diet, medication, stress level and other skin affecting factors. It is important to determine your skin type since skin type highly affects the nature of skin care routine that should be followed. Every skin type has specific skin type products which should be sued. To tell you the various skin types that possibly are found:
  • Oily skin type
  • Sensitive skin type
  • Dry skin type
  • Sun damaged skin type
  • Combination skin type
 To broadly explain how different skin types are categorized the skin types are determined by how much or how little oil an individual’s skin produces. The characteristics of various skin types are given below:
  • Oily skin type: this skin type is shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes.
  • Combination/Normal skin type: this skin type has medium pores, and even and smooth texture with healthy because of good circulation.
  • Sensitive skin type: this skin type tends to be delicate with fine pores and is thin. It flushes easily and is frequently prey to allergies and rashes.
  • Dry skin type: this skin type feels tight and cleansing makes it tighter. Dryness causes wrinkles easily and flaking is also occasional.
  • Sun damaged skin type: this skin type is also tight with wrinkles that are easily visible. The texture of this skin type is leathery.

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