Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Vegetable Diet for Autumn

Vegetable diet – not for the weak and weak-willed.
In the vegetable diet limited number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And despite this, the body gets the necessary number of substances for normal body function. That is why on a vegetable diet can sit up to 1 month.
Menu vegetable diet consists mainly of various fresh vegetables and herbs: carrots, zucchini, green beans, cabbage, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, pumpkin, potatoes – no more than 2-3 boiled potatoes a day and green parsley. Do not eat less than 1200 cal per day.
Vegetable Diet for Autumn
1 day – morning, black tea with dried apricots, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, tomato salad with beets and herbal teas; at noon banana and green tea, evening salad from fresh vegetables and mineral water;
2 day – morning, an apple and black tea, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, salad, herbal tea and fruit, at noon banana, green tea or mineral water in the evening salad and cranberry or cranberry juice or cranberry herbal tea from leaf;
Day 3 – morning, green tea with dried apricots or raisins, beetroot soup, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh herbs, radishes and green or herbal tea with figs; at noon compote and fruit in the evening, fresh cabbage salad in any quantity and compote
4 day – morning, green tea and some fresh fruit, broth from the soup, salad of fresh vegetables and mineral water at noon compote, raw carrots in the evening and cranberry or cranberry juice or cranberry herbal tea from leaf;
5 day – morning, green tea; day salad of fresh vegetables, herbal tea and orange; at noon and half an apple compote; evening, fresh cabbage salad and mineral water;
6 day – morning, green tea and some fresh fruit, soup, salad of fresh greens and vegetables and mineral water at noon compote; night raw uncooked vegetables and herbal tea;
7 day – every morning tea with dried fruit, afternoon soup, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, green tea and fruit compote or afternoon tea with dried fruit, salad vegetables in the evening, tea or stewed fruit, any fruit and dried fruits.
Exit vegetable diet: in the first days after the end of the vegetable diet menu remains the same, but add protein of vegetable origin, for example, legumes, soy. Then – add the protein of animal origin – cottage cheese. Then add oatmeal and meat.
Vegetable diet is useful because:
1. Vegetables are rich in vitamins: A, B, C, PP, R, E.
2. In vegetables contain high levels of micronutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron.
3. Vegetables rich in beneficial enzymes, organic acids, carbohydrates, which give a small boost of energy.

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